Tiffany's beautiful Christmas decorations on Old Bond Street.
Fortnum & Mason's brilliant burlesque/circus inspired window displays.
Fortnum & Mason's Afternoon Tea. Delicious.'s adorable powder blue, peterpan collar blouse. It will be arriving in the post tomorrow morning.
This lovely velvet dress by Jaeger Boutique. It would be perfect for Christmas! Now to find £184...
And finally, Florence & the Machine's new album, which I have been listening to continuously since its release. Thank god for long car journeys! Also, I was fortunate enough to get tickets for her tour next year, yippeee!
What are you loving this week? Pray tell :)
Ohh, the decorations looks truly incredible! <3 <3 <3
Lost in the Haze: Fashion Blog
Ohh, the Tiffanys decorations truly look incredible! <3 <3 <3
Enter my dress giveaway - Lost in the Haze: Fashion Blog